Saturday, April 3, 2010

Thoughts on Laramie Project- Neiufi

I wrote down a bunch of stuff while I watched Laramie Project. I tried to be objective and think about the things that are framed and what might have been left out. This is a pretty rough draft but it was just what I thought as I tried to be objective about this movie which is against how I usually watch movies I usually just go along with what is portrayed or framed.

-Why did they include or show the interviews they did?
-Frames -horrible crime -no one would talk about it -Wyoming is intolerant of homosexuals -Russel and Aaron are poor and dumb
-Laramie people wouldnt do this crime
-Laramie is innocent and pure but Matthew ruined this
-You need to be nervous if you are gay and in Laramie
-Laramie now needs to save its identity
-Try to portray "Matt" very positively- he was so optimistic and open and a great leader that was not ashamed
-Portray Matt as innocent
-Aaron and Russell planned and carryed out a hate crime, not a robbery or fight (Russel came back into town and fought someone else later)
-Portrayed as a gruesome murder, alot of emphasis on the description of Matthews physical injuries
-Matthew is an ultimate victim, helpless
-Laramie was angry at Rus and Aaron
-There is a hatred toward homosexuals, Laramie teaches intolerance
-turned into a global incident
-Portray Matt as a martyr that he freed many homosexuals from hiding or repressing their sexuality
-Hate crime is hate crime, why wasnt there more coverage on other crimes like the on recieved in this case?
-What would the judge have done or how would he have treated this case without the global attention or without the issue of gay rights
-Why the influenece of the Mormon relgion for Aaron, what religion was Russ? does it matter?
-How was the Priest framed vs how the Reverend was framed
-Interesting how the identity struggle of Laramie is portrayed.

It was interesting to see how differently I watched this movie objectively than I normally watch movies. I feel like a learned more and can get more than I usually would. This is going to be an interesting project and I hope we can present what we find effectively.

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