Friday, April 16, 2010

Marie Titze
Time: 4:46-5:08 (maybe longer just depends)
Both in the papers and the movie, henderson changes his plea to guilty and testifies against his friend Mckinney. it was mentioned in the Los Angeles times that he made a deal with the prosecution to avoid exectution, And just like in the movie, Henderson was charged with two life terms, one for Kidnapping Matthew Sheperd and the other for the murder. The movie portrayed this verdict really well and quite realistically.

In the movie, when henderson and his grandmother finished speaking to the judge, Dennis Sheperd stood up to talk with Henderson, letting him know that he was perfectly fine with the death penalty, and so was matthew, although all of the things that were coming out of Dennis Sheperds mouth were correct (according to countless newspaper articles) Dennis ACTUALLY said this to McKinney, not Henderson in court. I believe the movie framed the situation this way in order for the interview with Mckinney to be more eerie, because it wasnt in front of the whole courtroom, it showed a sense of solitary, and i'm sure the director wanted his viewers to feel this way.

According to the New York Times, the girlfriends of the suspects were charged as accesories to the crime, and even allegedly hid the bloody shoes of Sheperd in a storage shed and provided alibis for the boys. Throughout the movie, the girls, Chastity Vera Pasley and Kristen Leann Price, were maybe mentioned a few times, but nothing about them helping the boys with the crime was even acknowledged. The way we felt THIS situation was framed, was wanting the focus to stay mainly on the two boys that commited the murder and not bring in the girls. the director wanted you to get to know Henderson and McKinney on a personal level, and if the girlfriends were included this might not have been possible.
Time: 5:35-7:45
(i dont know if i will use this one yet, i guess we can discuss it.)
Time: 7:05-8:05
District Court Judge Jeffrey A. Donnell did say these exact words to Russell Henderson, and even the testimonies were in order. The Trial was on the dot with what was read throughout newspapers and the movie did a fantastic job at displaying the truth, even if it is not a documentary the film was really realistic and told the truth throughout.
(we can add screenshots from the film too :)))))

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