Thursday, March 11, 2010

videos for cartoons

for Neiufis cartoon on Anchor Babies link to a grat article that supports Low Wage migrant workers are essential for American economics
this is a great one for the link to the KKK cartoon

Video Clip

Video clip for 300,000,000 Americans

Video clip from the Onion about displaced American workers due to immigration

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Colby Bair - Political Cartoons


Team Member Name: ____Colby Bair________

Publication___The Record of Hackensack, NJ__Date:__November 25, 2009_

Cartoonist:___Jimmy Margulies______U.S./International? (circle)

Title of the cartoon:_____Lou Dobbs For Senate______Cartoon#_71654_

What action is taking place in the cartoon?
In this Cartoon by Jimmy Margulies, Lou Dobbs is running for Senator of New Jersey. Behind Dobbs is a sign saying "Deport Senator Robert Mendez". A man and a woman are listening as the man says to her, "Doesn't he mean defeat mendez?" and the woman replies that she doesn't think so. Robert Mendez is the current Senator of New Jersey born and raised by immigrant parents in Union City. Dobbs is a well known pundit for CNN, and very outspoken when it comes to immigration issues. This cartoon is an example of framing because it creates a reality to the reader that portrays Dobbs as so much against immigration that he would want to even deport a United States Senator. One who was not well informed or watched any of Lou Dobbs show would consequently be led to believe that he is very agaisnt immigration. Wether that be true of not this cartoon serves its purpose as framing him in that way.

Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants (circle answer)

2) positive or negative framing of immigration policies (Circle answer)

What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?


Team Member Name: ___Colby Bair_________

Publication___The Arizona Star____________Date:_June 16, 2008_

Cartoonist:___David Fitzsimmons__________U.S./International? (circle)

Title of the cartoon:___Immigration Hulk_____Cartoon#_53161__

What action is taking place in the cartoon?

In this cartoon boy and girl are going to the movies. They look at a poster of the incredible hulk and the boy says to the girl, "That happens everytime you bring up illegal immigration around your uncle. Only in his case its toxic radation from talk radio that altered his genetic chemisty. This shows that the girl uncle apparently gets upset over the immigration issue as a consequence of listening to talk radio. The cartoon is a representation of the Selective Perception theory itself as it refers to the uncle getting angry over what he is listening to while someone on the other side of the issue may not be so angry because of thier views and opinions. As a personal example, while listening to Rush Limbaugh a friend of mine will become very worked up about the things Limbaugh is talking about, probably as much as Limbaugh himself. Whlie on the other side I think his claims are ridiculous and pay little attention. How we think, how we are raised, our veiws and beliefs affect the things we hear and see in the media and this cartoon is an example of that.

Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants (circle answer)

2) positive or negative framing of immigration policies (Circle answer)

What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?



Team Member Name: ___Colby Bair_________

Publication____Politicalcartoons.com___Date:_November 13, 2009_

Cartoonist:_____Taylor Jones____U.S./International? (circle)

Title of the cartoon:___Lou Dobbs___Cartoon#_71232_

What action is taking place in the cartoon?

Lou Dobbs is rolling a spool of barbed wire with the wire all around him including going through his ears and in his mouth.

Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants (circle answer)

2) positive or negative framing of immigration policies (Circle answer)

What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?



Team Member Name: ___Colby Bair_________

Publication___The Scranton Times Tribune____Date:_December 11, 2009_

Cartoonist:___John Cole___U.S./International? (circle)

Title of the cartoon:___Barletta Runs Again___Cartoon#_72282_

What action is taking place in the cartoon?

Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants (circle answer)

2) positive or negative framing of immigration policies (Circle answer)

What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?

Selective Perception


Team Member Name: ___Colby Bair____

Publication__Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles__Date:_November 16, 2009__

Cartoonist:__Steve Greenberg__U.S./International? (circle)

Title of the cartoon:__Europe Islam__Cartoon#_71290_

What action is taking place in the cartoon?

Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants (circle answer)

2) positive or negative framing of immigration policies (Circle answer)

What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?



Team Member Name: ____Colby Bair________

Publication____Florida Today____Date:_November 22, 2008_

Cartoonist:____Parker_____U.S./International? (circle)

Title of the cartoon:____Anti-Immigration Thanksgiving____Cartoon#_31825__

What action is taking place in the cartoon?

Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants (circle answer)

2) positive or negative framing of immigration policies (Circle answer)

What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?

Selective Perception


Team Member Name: ___Colby Bair__________

Publication___Columbia Daily Tribune_________Date:_July 9, 2008_

Cartoonist:___John Darkow________________U.S./International? (circle)

Title of the cartoon:___Immigration___Cartoon#_52857_

What action is taking place in the cartoon?

Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants (circle answer)

2) positive or negative framing of immigration policies (Circle answer)

What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?



Team Member Name: ___Colby Bair__________

Publication___Cagle Cartoons____Date:_March 7, 2008_

Cartoonist:___Arcadio Esquivel___U.S./International? (circle)

Title of the cartoon:___The Immigration Continues___Cartoon#_48615_

What action is taking place in the cartoon?

Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants (circle answer)

2) positive or negative framing of immigration policies (Circle answer)

What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?

Selective Perception


Team Member Name: ___Colby Bair_________

Publication___Green Bay Press Gazette____Date:_February 25. 2008_

Cartoonist:___Immigration Policy___U.S./International? (circle)

Title of the cartoon:___Joe Heller___Cartoon#_47973_

What action is taking place in the cartoon?

Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants (circle answer)

2) positive or negative framing of immigration policies (Circle answer)

What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?

Selective Perception


Team Member Name: ___Colby Bair____

Publication____CagleCartoons.com_____Date:_February 18, 2008__

Cartoonist:____Nerilicon____U.S./International? (circle)

Title of the cartoon:___Recycled___Cartoon#_47705_

What action is taking place in the cartoon?

Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants (circle answer)

2) positive or negative framing of immigration policies (Circle answer)

What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Neiufi Iongi- Editorial Link

• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Attach to cartoon.
Team Member Name: ____Neiufi Iongi________

Publication_____Atlant Journal Constitution _____Date:_6/29/07______

Cartoonist:___ Mike Luckovich__________U.S./International? (circle)

Title of the cartoon:___ Immigration Reform Legislation___Cartoon#_37593______

What action is taking place in the cartoon? President Bush is asking for the potatoes to be passed and the Democrats and Republicans will not do it and some people mock Bush for not being able to get Immigration laws passed.

Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants (circle answer)

2) positive or negative framing of immigration policies (Circle answer)

What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants? That President Bush cannot get anything passed because of Congress. The people reading the paper are mocking of that fact and do not think he can get anything passed.

• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Attach to cartoon.
Team Member Name: ____Neiufi Iongi______

Publication_____Tribune Media Services______Date:_6/27/07______

Cartoonist:_______Paul Combs______U.S./International? (circle)

Title of the cartoon:_____New American Gothic____Cartoon#_37522____

What action is taking place in the cartoon? Parody of the famous American Gothic painting by Grant Wood. A person framed as an immigrant worker is with a very “American” looking woman who is consumers saying “You can’t live without me.” Meaning that consumers could not consume at the level or price they do without low wage immigrant farm workers or workers in various capacities.

Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants (circle answer)

2) positive or negative framing of immigration policies (Circle answer)

What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants? That we need immigrant workers to stay at our level of living we are at now. That consumers could not be without the low wage high volume work that many immigrants provide.

• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Attach to cartoon.
Team Member Name: ______Neiufi Iongi_____

Publication___Old Gold & Black: Wake Forest University___Date:_6/6/07______

Cartoonist:__William C. Warren____U.S./International? (circle)

Title of the cartoon:___The Welcome Mat____Cartoon#_37767____

What action is taking place in the cartoon? Congress and Preisdent Bush are laying an American Flag as a welcome mat for immigrants. The sign says “Bienvenidos Illegals” which means welcome illegals in Spanish, which is very negative. The house is the United States, so it is saying walk all over the flag and enter the country illegal it is okay our President and Congress says you can.

Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants (circle answer)

2) positive or negative framing of immigration policies (Circle answer)

What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants? That President Bush and Congress Immigration bill welcomes illegal immigrants into the United States. That illegal immigrants walk all over American policies and way of life.

• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Attach to cartoon.
Team Member Name: Neiufi Iongi
Cartoonist:_____Signe Wilkinson_____U.S./International? (circle)

Title of the cartoon:____Immigration Solution_____Cartoon#_36104_____

What action is taking place in the cartoon? A person is mowing a lawn over a big fence at the border. Lady Liberty is relaxing sipping some lemonade soaking in the sun as this person in Mexico is doing hard lawn work labor.

Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants (circle answer)

2) positive or negative framing of immigration policies (Circle answer)

What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants? That many people want to keep immigrants out of the country but do not want to fill the jobs or do the things the immigrant workers do. We want both things but cannot have it that way. Keep immigrants in Mexico but we want them to do work for us. Very contradictory things that people want.

• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Attach to cartoon.
Team Member Name: __Neiufi Iongi_____

Publication__Denver Post_____Date:_5/23/07______

Cartoonist:___Mike Keefe_____U.S./International? (circle)

Title of the cartoon:____Immigration Problem Solved______Cartoon#__35739___

What action is taking place in the cartoon? A immigrant from Mexico is going back to Mexico with a large copy of the Immmigration reform bill dragging behind him. A Border patrolman says he can come back when he can red and understand that bill which no one can do.

Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants (circle answer)

2) positive or negative framing of immigration policies (Circle answer)

What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants? That the immigration bill is really long and hard to understand.

Neiufi Iongi- Cartoons for Editorial Link

• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Attach to cartoon.
Team Member Name: ____Neiufi Iongi_________

Publication_________Artley Toons____Date:__8/6/2009_____

Cartoonist:_______Steve Artley____U..S/International? (circle)

Title of the cartoon:__Immigration Woes_____Cartoon#__73901___

What action is taking place in the cartoon? A large hillbilly man is sitting around his trashed house blaming his low quality of life on Immigrants.

Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants (circle answer)

2) positive or negative framing of immigration policies (Circle answer)

What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants? That Immigrants are to blame for Americans woes. That letting Immigrants into America lowers the “Average Americans” quality of life.

• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Attach to cartoon.
Team Member Name: ___Neiufi Iongi______

Publication______Albuquerque Journal___Date:_10/7/08______

Cartoonist:____John Trever____U.S./International? (circle)

Title of the cartoon:_____Not one____Cartoon#__60845_____

What action is taking place in the cartoon? A man coming from Mexico is turning around from coming to America because the border Patrol changed the border from a fence to a bunch of bulletin boards with some of the troubles America is having.

Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants (circle answer)

2) positive or negative framing of immigration policies (Circle answer)

What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants? That if people that try to immigrate to the U.S. from Mexico knew all the troubles that are happening in the country they would not want to come but stay in Mexico.

• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Attach to cartoon.
Team Member Name: ____Neiufi Iongi_____

Publication______United Media___Date:__11/19/07_____

Cartoonist:____Matt Bors______U.S./International? (circle)

Title of the cartoon:___Anchor Babies____Cartoon#__44711_____

What action is taking place in the cartoon? Native Americans are worried about Pilgrims and their anchor babies. An Anchor Baby is a baby born to undocumented workers. They frame them as diseased and nasty.

Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants (circle answer)

2) positive or negative framing of immigration policies (Circle answer)

What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants? Compares todays immigration issue to the Pilgrims and Native Americans. The Native Americans in the cartoon talk about how the filthy disease ridden invaders are having anchor babies. Anchor babies is a reference to babies that are born to undocumented citizens.

• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Attach to cartoon.
Team Member Name: ____Neiufi Iongi______

Publication____Tulsa World_____Date:_7/8/07______

Cartoonist:____Bruce Plante______U.S./International? (circle)

Title of the cartoon:___No Title_____Cartoon#_37845______

What action is taking place in the cartoon? Posing the question if we would even need a big fence to keep immigrants if they all were informed/knew that there are not many jobs in the United States like the might have thought.

Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants (circle answer)

2) positive or negative framing of immigration policies (Circle answer)

What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants? That if the people that want to or try to immigrate to the US knew there are no jobs if they would even bother coming or just stay where they are.

• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Attach to cartoon.
Team Member Name: ___Neiufi Iongi___________________
Publication_____Akron-Beacon Journal________Date:_7/3/07______

Cartoonist:_____Chip Bok________U.S./International? (circle)

Title of the cartoon:__Immigration and Public Opinion_________Cartoon#__37724_____

What action is taking place in the cartoon? President Bush crashes down in the opinion polls first then Congress follows as they hit rock bottom.

Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants (circle answer)

2) positive or negative framing of immigration policies (Circle answer)

What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants? That the public does not approve of what congress and President Bush have done with Immigration policies.